Employment services for jobseekers

Who is a jobseeker?

You are a jobseeker if you are:

As a jobseeker, you can contact your local Intreo Centre for employment support, including advice about looking for work, information on job vacancies, and income support.

People getting Jobseeker’s Benefit or Jobseeker’s Allowance are prioritised for employment supports.

If you are getting a jobseeker’s payment, you may have to participate in an activation programme – see ‘Jobseeker’s payments and activation’ below.

Training Support Grant

A Training Support Grant (TSG) of up to €1,000 a year is available to people on certain qualifying payments or schemes, including the Work Placement Experience Programme.

It funds quick access to short-term training, including courses up to and including QQI level 6.

You can get a TSG if your Employment Personal Adviser or Job Coach finds you can’t start a job offer without:

  • Getting an immediate skill
  • Getting or renewing a certification or permit.

Rules for the TSG

Rules for getting the TSG include that the training must be:

  • Short-term
  • Part of your agreed personal progression plan (PPP)
  • Linked to your activation needs (see ‘Jobseeker’s payments and activation’ below)
  • Unavailable from the department directly
  • Unavailable from any other state provider (such as Education Training Boards or Teagasc).

Read more about the rules for getting the TSG on Gov.ie.

You must apply for a TSG through your Employment Personal Adviser or Job Coach.

International Protection and Temporary Protection

If you are an International Protection applicant, or if you have come to Ireland from Ukraine and are getting the Beneficiaries of Temporary Protection weekly payment, you may be considered for the TSG.

Other supports for jobseekers

Jobseekers can access various services and supports, including:

Group sessions with Intreo

When you register for a jobseeker payment, you must attend a group engagement session (pdf) with other jobseekers. At this session, you will get information on the supports available to help you return to work.

One-to-one sessions with Intreo

Depending on your circumstances, you may be scheduled to attend one-to-one sessions with an Employment Personal Adviser to discuss:

  • Employment opportunities
  • Training courses
  • Financial supports
  • Other options which may lead to employment.

If you are getting a jobseeker’s payment, you will get on-going appointments to monitor your progression towards employment, training, or education.

Jobs Ireland website

The Jobs Ireland website lists:

  • Jobs available in Ireland and abroad
  • Internships
  • Employment programme vacancies.

The Jobs Ireland website also has advice on preparing your CV, as well as writing a cover letter, completing an application form, and preparing for interview.

To access the full service, you need to create a Jobs Ireland account using your basic MyGovID.

Once registered, you can upload your CV to the Jobs Ireland database, so that employers can access it and contact you directly.

Job Clubs

Job Clubs are run by the Department of Social Protection, to support jobseekers through a drop-in service and formal workshops.

At Job Club, you can:

  • Get help preparing your CV and cover letters
  • Get help preparing for interview
  • Develop an individual ‘employment action plan’
  • Access phone and internet services to help you with job-seeking
  • Get up-to-date information on the local economy and job opportunities
  • Speak with potential employers.

You should contact your local Intreo Centre for more information on Job Clubs.

Benefit of Work Estimator

You can use the benefit of work estimator on MyWelfare.ie to see how starting work or increasing your hours could affect your social welfare payment.

It calculates the total amount you would get if you take up full-time work (including any Working Family Payment), and it compares this to what you are getting in jobseeker payments (including Rent Supplement).

The EURES portal

You can find information on job opportunities throughout Europe using the EURES portal (European Employment Services).

Citizens Information

You can also read our pages about:

Jobseeker’s payments and activation

If you are getting a Jobseeker’s payment, you may have to participate in an activation programme. ‘Activation’ means the Department of Social Protection works with you to support you back into employment.

You are expected to fully engage and use the supports offered to you during the activation process. This can include education or training schemes, or employment support schemes, to help you back into the workplace.

People who do not engage with the activation process can have their jobseeker’s payment reduced, and subsequently be disqualified from their payment for up to 9 weeks.

However, if you are over 62, you may not have to engage with the activation process.

Read more about the conditions that apply to your jobseekers’ payment.


JobPath is an employment activation programme that helps long-term jobseekers find and keep full-time employment or self-employment.

Can I apply for JobPath?

The Department of Social Protection (DSP) selects jobseekers for JobPath on a random basis. You cannot apply to go on JobPath.

If you spent a year on JobPath and remain unemployed 2 months after you have finished, you become eligible for selection again.

What happens if I’m selected?

If you are selected for JobPath, you’ll be referred to a JobPath company based on where you live.

There are 2 companies:

  1. Seetec
  2. Turas Nua.

You will get a personal adviser who will assess your skills, work experience, and work goals.

The adviser will draw up a Personal Progression Plan (PPP) with you. The PPP will include a series of activities and actions designed to help you get a job, such as:

  • Work experience
  • Training
  • Other relevant supports.

You will also get career advice, help with your CV, and support with interview skills. You can also get advice on starting your own business.

Can I keep my jobseeker’s payment?

Yes, you keep your jobseeker's payment while on JobPath. However, your payment may be affected if you don’t engage with the programme.

If you are registered with Jobpath, you can apply for employment support schemes such as Tús or Community Employment.

Depending on your Intreo Centre, while you are on JobPath you may sign on for your jobseeker's payment less often than before. In some situations, you may not have to sign on at all.

What if I find a job?

The JobPath activation programme can last for a year (52 weeks).

If you find a job, the JobPath company will continue working with you while you are in employment for up to a year. It will give you particular support during the first few weeks of employment.

Read more about JobPath on gov.ie.

More information for jobseekers

Find out about the payments available to unemployed people.

Read Intreo’s Guide to Employment Services and Supports (pdf).

You can also contact your local Intreo centre or branch office for information on employment supports and job vacancies.

If you need help understanding your entitlements, you can contact your local Citizens Information Centre.

Page edited: 2 January 2025