CIS complaints policy
The Citizens Information Service works hard to make sure that the service we provide is up to date, relevant and of the highest standard. However, there may be times when you are unhappy with the service. The Citizens Information Service is committed to dealing effectively with any complaints you may have about our service. We also aim to learn from our mistakes and use the information we gain to improve our services.
While your complaint will be dealt with in confidence, be aware that it will be discussed with those staff necessary to investigate the complaint. If you wish to see a specific outcome to your complaint, please tell us what this is. We cannot guarantee that this outcome will be achieved but it does help us to understand what the expectation is.
We will make sure that your interactions with us in the future do not suffer just because you have made a complaint.
If you wish to make a complaint this is how you do it.
Informal Resolution
If you are dissatisfied or wish to complain, raise it with the person you are dealing with. If possible, they will try to resolve it there and then. However, they may need time to look into it. If this is the case they will respond to your complaint with an outcome within 5 working days. If they can’t help they will explain why and, if you wish, you can follow the formal complaints process below.
Formal Complaint
You can make the formal complaint in person, by phone, in writing or by completing a Customer Complaint form available at reception. Remember to include key information when making your formal complaint such as name, address, telephone number, email address (if you have one), details of complaint including date/time service used.
Formal complaints must be made within 14 days of using the service. You will receive an acknowledgement of your complaint within five working days and a response with an outcome to your complaint within 20 working days of receiving the complaint.
If you are not satisfied with the response to your complaint, you can ask for it to be reviewed within 5 working days. You can also go on to submit an appeal within 5 working days of receiving the outcome of the review.
Please note that any personal data pertaining to you will be processed in line with the Data Protection Notice for Citizens Information Services which can be seen by scanning the QR code: