Part-Time Job Incentive Scheme


The Part-Time Job Incentive (PTJI) Scheme allows certain people getting Jobseeker’s Allowance (JA) to take up part-time work and get a special weekly allowance instead of their jobseeker’s payment. It is intended to be a stepping stone to full-time work. You must be available for and seeking full-time work while you are on the Part-Time Job Incentive Scheme.


You can participate in the PTJI Scheme if you get part-time work for less than 24 hours per week and immediately before that you were:

You must also undertake to remain on the scheme for 2 months. You can do more than one part-time job but the total hours worked must be less than 24. The part-time job you get must be likely to last at least 2 months and be insurable at PRSI Class A or J.

Self-employed people are not eligible for this scheme.

Duration of payment

Initially, you can stay on the PTJI scheme for one year. This may be extended for a further period. While on the scheme, you must continue to look for full-time work.

If you get full-time work but then lose it, and get another part-time job, you can return to your original Part-Time Job Incentive claim if you meet all the PTJI conditions. The Part-Time Job Incentive will only remain in payment for the duration that has not been used previously.


Instead of your usual payment, you will get a weekly allowance of:

  • €154.60 per week if you are single
  • €252.10 per week if you are getting an increase for a qualified adult

There are no increases in these rates for qualified children. The allowance is paid regardless of how much you earn in your job. The allowance is not taxable. However, your wages will be taxable in the usual way.

How to apply

Once you have secured the part-time job, you should contact your Intreo Centre or local Social Welfare Branch Office to apply for the PTJI scheme.

You will be asked to complete the application form PTJI1 (pdf) and give details of your part-time employment.

Your employer has to complete form PTJI2 at the end of each 4-week period to confirm the hours that you worked and that you are insurably employed. You must sign a declaration (using the same form) confirming that you worked less than 24 hours each week. You must return this form to your Intreo Centre or Social Welfare Branch Office. If there is any delay in returning this form, payment is suspended until the form is received. Payment is made weekly by EFT.

If your job ends or you finish the PTJI you may re-qualify for long-term Jobseeker’s Allowance as long as there is no change in your circumstances (other than finishing the part-time job). Alternatively, you may qualify for Jobseeker’s Benefit if you have enough PRSI contributions.

Secondary benefits

No secondary benefits are paid while you are on the Part-Time Job Incentive scheme. You can keep your medical card while you are on the PTJI scheme regardless of your earnings for a maximum of 3 years. You can continue to qualify for Rent Supplement but your earnings will be assessed against your supplement.


The Part-Time Job Incentive scheme is a non-statutory scheme and you cannot appeal a decision to the Social Welfare Appeals Office. If you are not happy with a decision on the scheme you can appeal to the Officer in charge of the Part-Time Job Incentive Scheme at your local Intreo Centre or Social Welfare Branch Office.

Where to apply

You can apply for the Part-Time Job Incentive Scheme to your local Intreo Centre or Social Welfare Branch Office.

Page edited: 10 January 2025