Case study 2: Working Family Payment (WFP)

Case study

This is an example showing how income is assessed for Working Family Payment in 2025

John is living with his partner Mary and their 4 children. He has been working for a company for some time but his hours are irregular, varying from 30 to 48 hours per week. As a result, he can earn between €330 and €528 gross per week.

Mary is getting Carer’s Allowance of €260 and also works part-time as a home-help for the Health Service Executive (HSE) earning €96 per week.

Their daughter is 15 years old and has a part-time job at the weekend, earning €45 per week.

John and Mary get Child Benefit of €560 per month for their 4 children.

Working Family Payment calculation

Weekly net income from employment (See note 1 below) €398 plus €96 = €494

Add weekly net income from self-employment 0

Add social welfare payments (See note 2 below) €260

Add Income from occupational pensions 0

Total income €754

The maximum income limit for a family with 4 children is €998. The difference between €998 and €754 is €244.

60% of the difference is €146.40

John will get Working Family Payment of €146 each week (rounded down to nearest euro).

Note 1

John’s hours are irregular and therefore the amount he earns can vary from week to week. To find his total weekly income, the Department can average his income over a period of 6 to 8 weeks. In this case, his income averaged out over 6 weeks is €398.

John’s income from employment is assessed and Mary’s casual income from working as a home-help for the HSE is also assessed. Their daughter’s income is not assessed because she is under 22 years of age and in full-time education.

Note 2

Child Benefit is not included in the assessment of Working Family Payment. However, all of Mary's Carer's Allowance will be assessed as income (€260).

Page edited: 2 January 2025