Grants for solar panels


The Solar Electricity Grant provides a grant to help with the cost of buying and installing solar photovoltaic (PV) panels for your home. The grant is administered by the Sustainable Energy Authority of Ireland (SEAI).

You must apply for the grant and get a grant offer from the SEAI before you get your solar panels and start any work.

Solar panel grants for businesses

You can also get SEAI grants for solar PV for your business or a non-domestic building. This includes public buildings, sports clubs and community organisations.

For more on these grants, see 'Supports for businesses going green' or visit

What are solar panels?

Solar panels are devices that use sunlight to generate hot water, or electricity to power electrical devices in your home.

  • Solar panels that produce electricity are known as solar photovoltaic (PV) modules. These panels generate electricity when exposed to light. Solar PV is the rooftop solar you see on homes and businesses.
  • Solar panels that produce hot water are known as solar thermal collectors or solar hot water collectors.

This Solar Electricity Grant focuses on PV, where solar electric panels capture the light from the sun and convert it into the electricity that is used in your home to power your TV, kettle, toaster and so on. These panels are often mounted on the roof of your house or in the garden.

Most homes need six or seven solar panels, which is a 2 kilowatt system. It is important that the system is sized for self-consumption of the energy within the home as per the Code of Practice (pdf).

Do I qualify for the Solar Electricity Grant?

To qualify for a grant, you must:

What to consider before applying for the Solar Electricity Grant

There are a number of things to consider before applying for the grant. For example, you should check if you should insulate your home first and if you’ll need planning permission.

Insulating your home before getting solar panels

SEAI recommends that you insulate your home before considering solar panels, as insulation is the easiest way to reduce your energy costs. You can apply for the following grants with the SEAI to insulate your home and improve its overall energy efficiency:

Some of these schemes include the Solar Electricity Grant as one of their energy efficiency measures. However, you may have to apply for it separately.

Do I need planning permission for solar panels?

You do not need planning permission to install solar panels at your home as long as you meet certain conditions. However, ask your local authority for guidance about planning permission if:

  • Your home is a protected structure
  • You home is in a protected area, for example, an architectural conservation area

Solar PV system requirements

Energy generated from your solar PV system should be used in your home, and the system should be of a suitable size for this. See the Solar PV Grant Application Guide (pdf) for further technical specifications, as well as information on insurance, contracts, inspections, grant limits and how to apply.

All systems must comply with the requirements set out in the Code of Practice for Installers (pdf). The Declaration of Works must be completed and signed off by a registered solar PV installer. Registered solar PV installers are listed on

Choosing a contractor

Before choosing a company from the registered list, the SEAI recommend that you get a number of quotes and compare the offers, and request and check the company’s references.

You must have a contract in place with the contractor to ensure that you have a suitable level of consumer protection. SEAI have a sample contract (pdf) on their website to help with this.

How much is the grant?

The grant you get depends on the peak output of your solar system. Peak output is measured in kWp, which is kilowatt-peak. You get:

  • €700 per kWp for up 2kWp
  • €200 for every additional kWp up to 4kWp

This means you will get:

  • €700 for 1kWp
  • €1,400 for 2kWp
  • €1,600 for 3kWp
  • €1,800 for 4kWp

In 2025, the grant is capped at €1,800. The Government plans to reduce the grant by up to €300 every year, as it expects the cost of solar panel systems to reduce over time. It is intended that the grant will end in 2029.

The grant covers materials and labour, unless you are a contractor doing the work in your own home. In this case, only the cost of the materials is covered.

If the cost of the systems and labour (including VAT) is less than the maximum grant amount, you will get a grant for the actual cost.

Note: You are only eligible for the grant once.

How to apply for the Solar Electricity Grant

You can apply for the Solar PV Scheme online or by post. If applying by post, you should contact the SEAI to get an application form and send it back to them – see ‘Where to apply’ below.

When applying for the grant, you need to provide details about the installation, including the size of the system to be installed. You also need to provide your address and the MPRN number from your electricity bill, the year your house was built and the name of the registered company you intend to use.

You must receive approval for the grant before you start installing your solar panels. When you receive approval, you have 8 months to complete the works. The work must be finished before you can get your grant payment and you must have either paid your contractor or agreed a payment plan with them.

After the works are completed

Your installer will give you the documentation you need to claim the grant, including the signed Declaration of Works form. You should keep these documents for your records. Your installer will also complete and upload a number of documents about the work to the SEAI website. SEAI has a solar PV completion checklist (pdf) that lists the documents needed.

SEAI will then check if your installation meets the scheme requirements. Once all conditions are met, SEAI will then process your payment which will be paid by electronic funds transfer (EFT) into your bank account.

Homeowner records

During the upgrade works, you will get documents from the company doing the work. You should keep these documents in a safe place so you can have them for your BER assessor, or if you are inspected by the SEAI.

The SEAI recommends you keep all this information together in a safe place for future reference. It may also be useful if you want to sell your house or if there is a problem with any of the work.

Where to apply

Sustainable Energy Authority of Ireland

SEAI Head Office

3 Park Place
Upper Hatch Street
Dublin 2

Tel: 01 8082100
Page edited: 14 January 2025