Littering and dumping

What is litter

Litter is any type of rubbish left lying in an open or public place. This includes everything from disposable vapes to dog poo and unwanted furniture.

Local authorities can penalise you if you litter. The Gardaí can also issue on-the-spot fines for litter offences.

Who is responsible for keeping places litter-free?

Local authorities and litter prevention

Local authorities are responsible for keeping public places in their area clear of litter. Their duties include:

  • Street cleaning
  • Providing and emptying litter bins
  • Enforcing fines
  • Enforcing littering rules and regulations and taking legal action against people who don't follow the law

Local authorities also:

  • Prepare litter management plans, in consultation with the local community. A plan must set out how the local authority will prevent and control litter and make people more aware of litter
  • Carry out litter pollution surveys and send the data to the National Litter Monitoring System, which assesses changes over time
  • Offer grants for anti-litter and anti-graffiti awareness projects, such as the TidyTowns competition

Litter and public places

If you own or are responsible for a place that is open to the public you have a legal duty to keep the place litter-free, regardless of how the litter got there. These public places include:

  • School grounds
  • Public parks
  • Train or bus stations
  • The area around shopping centres

Dog fouling

You are responsible for removing your dog’s poo from public places and disposing of it properly. If you don't, you could get a €150 on-the-spot fine. Find out more about dog control penalties.

Litter and private property

If you own or live in a property, you must keep any outdoor areas on your property that can be seen from a public place litter-free. If you don't, you can be fined or prosecuted by your local authority.

Litter blackspots

If you let litter build up in an area that is visible from a public place, the local authority can tell you to remove the litter. If you don't comply, the local authority can do whatever is necessary to remove the litter and you will have to pay the costs for this.

Litter control at major events

The promoters or organisers of major events (such as football matches and music festivals) must ensure that litter control measures are in place around the venue before, during and after an event. The local authority can do this for them, but the promoter or organiser must pay for it.

Mobile food outlets

If you run a mobile food outlet selling drinks or food, or an outlet such as a stall selling farm produce, you must provide suitable litter bins. You must also clean up any litter resulting from your sales, within a 100-metre radius.

Littering rules for posters, signs, flyers and plastic bags

Posters and signs

It is illegal to put up posters or signs on poles or other structures in public places, unless you have written permission in advance from the owner of the pole or structure. Any poster, sign or advertisement must have either the name and address of:

  • The person promoting or arranging the event being advertised
  • The person on whose behalf the poster, sign or advertisement is being put up

Political parties or candidates must remove posters within 7 days of the election. If posters are not removed by this deadline, the local authority will remove them and issue an on-the-spot fine of €150 for each offence. Your local authority has more information on the rules on election posters.

Advertising flyers

If you want to distribute advertising leaflets in the street, you should check with the local authority to see if there are any local litter restrictions. It is illegal to place advertising leaflets on car windscreens.

Plastic bags

Shops that supply plastic bags must charge customers a levy on each shopping bag. This is to encourage people to use reusable bags. Revenue generated from the levy goes into the Circular Economy Fund.

The charge is 22 cent per bag and this must be itemised on any invoice, till receipt or docket you receive. Reusable shopping bags are exempt from the levy, as long as the retailer charges at least 70 cent for the bag.

To make a complaint about a retailer who is not charging for plastic bags, you should contact the Environmental Awareness Officer of your local authority. Find out more about the plastic bag levy.

Littering fines

Leaving or throwing litter in a public place is an offence and if you are caught, you may be fined. These fines include:

  • On-the-spot fines of €150
  • Up to €4,000 if you are convicted in the District Court
  • Up to €600 for every day you continue to litter after a conviction
  • On-the-spot fines of up to €130,000 for causing environmental pollution, and €10,000 per day for continuing offences

Local authority litter wardens and the Gardaí can issue on-the-spot fines.

If you are convicted of a litter offence, you may have to pay the local authority’s legal costs.

How do I report illegal dumping?

If you notice illegal dumping, you can report it to the local authority. They can then investigate it and take action. Alternatively, you can report it to the 24-hour National Environmental Complaints Line – see ‘More information on litter’ below.

The complaints line will pass your report to the appropriate body, which may be:

  • A local authority
  • An Garda Síochána
  • The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)

The EPA website provides more information on how to make an environmental complaint.

If a local authority can find out who owns material that has been illegally dumped, the owner can be prosecuted, even if they haven’t been caught in the act of dumping. Local authorities can also require you, as a householder or business operator, to say how and where you are disposing of your waste. They can do this if you do not use a refuse collection service or bring your waste to an authorised disposal facility.

Abandoned vehicles and bikes

Abandoned vehicles

If you think a car has been abandoned, you should report it to your local authority. They will look into it and remove the car, if needed. When you report it, you should let them know the:

  • Exact location of the car
  • Make and model of the car
  • Car registration (if possible)

The local authority will contact the car owner to see if the car has been abandoned. They may also put a notice on the car to say it is considered abandoned and may be removed.

Abandoned bicycles

You can report a bicycle that you think is abandoned. A bike is usually considered abandoned if it:

  • Is in poor condition with missing or broken parts
  • Has been left unused for a long time

When reporting it, you should tell the local authority:

  • The exact location of the bike
  • The bike’ make, model and colour
  • Any other distinguishing features

The local authority will investigate and may put a tag on the bike to let the owner that it may be removed.

Getting household rubbish collected

You should put your rubbish in a wheelie-bin or other sturdy refuse bin for collection, or in strong plastic bags. You should not leave it out too long before it is due to be collected, as it may attract birds or animals and create litter.

It is an offence to put your household waste in street litter bins. If you do this, the local authority can prosecute you. Burning household waste in your garden or home is illegal. Find out more about disposing of household waste.

Litter and The Tidy Towns competition

Litter control is an important part of the national Tidy Towns competition, which is organised by the Department of Rural and Community Development. Towns that take part in the competition are rated on all aspects of their local environment, including the amount of litter in the area.

The Tidy Towns competition is launched each year in March or April. Judging takes place in June, July and August and the results are announced in September. The Tidy Towns competition is open to every village, town and city area. If you would like to get involved and help keep your area litter-free, you should contact your local Tidy Towns group.

Find out more about the Tidy Towns competition.

More information on litter

For information about litter policies in your area, or to apply for grant aid for an anti-litter awareness project, contact your local authority.

To report littering or illegal dumping, contact the local authority or call the 24-hour National Environmental Complaints Line on 1800 365 123.

Page edited: 8 August 2024