Appealing your Leaving Certificate results

Can I appeal my Leaving Certificate results?

You can appeal your Leaving Certificate results.

If you are not satisfied with the marks you get in one or more subjects of the Leaving Certificate examination, you can appeal those results to the State Examinations Commission (SEC).

If you appeal your mark in a written exam, your script will be sent to an appeal examiner for re-marking.

Appealing Leaving Certificate results 2024

If you appealed your Leaving Certificate 2024 written exam results, you will be able to see your appeal results on the Candidate Self Service Portal from 11am on Friday, 27 September 2024.

Applications to appeal your Leaving Certificate 2024 results closed at 5pm on Monday, 2 September 2024. Late applications for appeals will not be accepted.

The Leaving Certificate 2024 exam results were released on Friday, 23 August 2024.

Key dates and times for Leaving Certificate 2024

The timeframe for the issuing of Leaving Certificate results and appealing your results is very narrow.

It is important to be aware of these dates and times if you think you might want to appeal one or some of your results. Late applications for viewing scripts or appeals will not be accepted.

Key dates for Leaving Certificate results 2024-2025


What’s happening?

Friday, 23 August 2024, 10am

Leaving Certificate results are released

Tuesday, 27 August 2024, noon

Candidates can see their marks, including what they got for each component (if applicable)

Tuesday, 27 August 2024, 5pm

Applications open to view exam scripts

Wednesday, 28 August 2024, 8pm

Applications to view exam scripts close

Saturday, 31 August 2024, 9am

Scripts marked online can be viewed online for 24 hours

For scripts marked manually, candidates will be invited to attend a session at their school (see ‘When can I view my exam script?’ below)

Sunday, 1 September 2024, 10am

Applications open to appeal Leaving Certificate results

Monday, 2 September 2024, 5pm

Applications for appeals close

Friday, 27 September 2024, 11am

Results of appeals are released

Applying to see your exam script

Applications to view Leaving Certificate 2024 exam scripts closed on 28 August 2024.

After you get your exam results, you can apply to view your examination script. This allows you to see how your work was marked so you can make an appeal if you think there was a mistake. There is no fee to view your exam scripts.

Leaving Certificate 2024 candidates applied to see exam scripts on the Candidate Self-Service Portal. Leaving Certificate Applied candidates applied by email to

When can I view my exam script?

If you applied to view your script and it was marked manually, you were invited to a 3-hour viewing session in your school on 31 August 2024.

If your script was marked online, you received access to view your script online for 24 hours between 9am on 31 August 2024 and 9am on 1 September 2024.

Rectification outside of the appeal process

If you have viewed your script and believe there is a clear discrepancy between the mark awarded and the subsequent grade awarded, you also have means of redress. You should ask the Organising Superintendent at the viewing session for a Rectification Outside of the Appeal Process Form.

This rectification service applies only where it is clear that the total mark is inconsistent with the grade awarded and where this matter can be resolved administratively.

Read more about appealing your results and rectification outside of the appeal process on the SEC's website.

How the Leaving Certificate appeal process works

Your script will be sent to an appeal examiner for re-marking. This will not be the same person who originally marked your work. The same marking scheme is used for re-marking. This means that appeal examiners apply the same standards in re-marking as were applied to all candidates in the original examination.

For Leaving Certificate 2024, a post-marking adjustment was made to all results. These are additional marks awarded to a candidate's component results. Post-marking adjustments cannot be appealed. However, the post-adjustment changes if your overall mark changes following the appeal.

Read more about the appeal process on the SEC’s website.

If you are not happy with the outcome of your appeal, you can view the appeals exam script and then you may request an appeal review by the Independent Appeals Scrutineers (see ‘Leaving Certificate 2024 appeal results’ below).

How to apply to appeal your results

Applications to appeal your Leaving Certificate 2024 results closed on 2 September 2024. Applications were made through the Candidate Self-Service Portal.

Late applications for appeals will not be accepted.

Exam appeal fees

In 2024, the fees to appeal each subject are:

  • Leaving Certificate, €40 per subject
  • Leaving Certificate Applied, €15.50 per subject

If your appeal is successful and your subject result is upgraded, you will get a refund of the appeal fee for that subject.

Leaving Certificate 2024 appeal results

If you appealed your Leaving Certificate 2024 written exam results, you will be able to see your appeal results on the Candidate Self Service Portal from 11am on Friday, 27 September 2024.

If you are not happy with the outcome of your appeal, you can view the appeals exam script and then you may request an appeal review by the Independent Appeals Scrutineers. Application forms for an appeal review are provided with your appeal results.

This page will be updated with information on how to appeal the appeal results when it becomes available.

More information

Read more about appeal applications for Leaving Certificate 2024 on the State Examinations Commission's website and in their:

State Examinations Commission


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Page edited: 11 September 2024