Junior Cycle

What is the Junior Cycle?

The Junior Cycle covers the first 3 years of secondary school. Children start post-primary school (often called secondary school) around the age of 12 or 13.

You can study a range of subjects during the Junior Cycle. Students are assessed and an examination is held at the end of the Junior Cycle. Students normally sit the exam at the age of 15 or 16.

Free schoolbooks for Junior Cycle students

From September 2024, free schoolbooks and classroom resources, like copybooks, journals, calculators and dictionaries, will be provided to Junior Cycle students in the Free Education Scheme. Read more about free schoolbooks for Junior Cycle students on Gov.ie.

Junior Cycle subjects

There are many Junior Cycle subjects, but all subjects are not offered in every school.

All students must study Irish (unless you have an exemption from studying Irish), English, Maths and History. Depending on your school, other subjects may also be compulsory.

English, Irish and Maths are studied at either ordinary or higher level. All other subjects are studied at common level. The classroom-based assessments in second and third year are also set at common level.

Junior Cycle Profile of Achievement (JCPA)

In 2022, the Junior Cycle Profile of Achievement (JCPA) fully replaced the Junior Certificate. It adds classroom-based assessments to the Junior Cycle.

The classroom-based component of the JCPA is based on work completed by the student during second and third year. The written examination takes place in June of the third year of the programme

The Department of Education has published the assessment arrangements for Junior Cycle 2024 (pdf).

Junior Cycle exams 2024

Junior Cycle 2024 exam results will be released on Wednesday, 9 October 2024.

There was no fee to sit the Junior Cycle exams in 2024. Read more about Junior Cycle exams and results.

The Junior Certificate School Programme

The Junior Certificate School Programme (JCSP) is designed to help young people who are at risk of leaving school early and who would benefit from special support when they are working towards the Junior Cycle exams.

Students taking the Junior Cycle exams study the normal Junior Cycle syllabus. All students participating in the Junior Certificate School Programme must be entered for the Junior Cycle exams. All JCSP students are entitled to a profile - this is an individualised record of their achievement.

Read more about the JCSP in the Junior Certificate School Programme statement (pdf).

Junior Cycle and special education needs

The Junior Cycle has a qualification for students with special educational needs.

Level 2 Learning Programmes (L2LPs) for students with general learning disabilities focuses on development and learning in areas like:

  • Elementary literacy and numeracy
  • Language and communication
  • Mobility and leisure skills
  • Motor-coordination
  • Social and personal development

Read more about L2LPs.

More information

Contact your nearest post-primary school about their Junior Cycle programme and the subjects available.

The Department of Education has a find a school facility on their website.

Mature students

You can find information about returning to education as an adult.

State Examinations Commission


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Fax: (090) 644 2744
Page edited: 23 August 2024