Buying from a doorstep seller


Doorstep sellers can be very persuasive. When you do not buy in a physical shop, you have extra rights under consumer law.

You have the right to information before you buy and you can change your mind and cancel after signing the contract.

Before you buy

Under consumer law you have extra rights to information when you buy something from a doorstep seller that is worth over €50.

Information before you buy

Before you buy, you must get the following information:

  • The seller’s business name, address, phone number, email address and other online communication channels
  • Product details (if not already clear)
  • Total price or how it will be calculated, or personalised price (if relevant)
  • Length of the contract
  • For services with no fixed timescale, cost per billing period or per month
  • Details on payment and performance
  • Right to cancel
  • How you can cancel the contract if it does not have a fixed length or automatically renews
  • Conditions that apply to deposits (if applicable)

Information after buying

After you agree the contract you must get a copy of the signed contract or confirmation within a reasonable timeframe. You must get this information on paper unless you agree to another format.

Your right to cancel

You have a right to cancel (a ‘withdrawal’ or ‘cooling off’ period) when you buy something from your doorstep.

This means you can cancel the contract within 30 days from when the contract was agreed and get a full refund.

You do not have to give you a reason for cancelling. The 30 days starts once you physically receive the goods.

Other consumer rights

As well as the extra rights above, you have the same rights when you buy something at your door as when you buy in a shop.

You have rights if you have a problem with a product you bought from your door. Read more about repairs, replacements, refunds and price reductions.

How to complain

Put your complaint in writing to the seller as soon as you can, to see if they can fix the problem.

If you cannot resolve the problem, you can:

  • Contact the Competition and Consumer Protection Commission (CCPC) for information and advice
  • Contact your bank or credit card provider to use chargeback. The CCPC has more information on chargeback
  • Take a claim against the seller using the Small Claims Procedure

Get more advice on how to make a complaint.

More information

CCPC has a list of things to watch out for before you buy or sign up to something on your doorstep.

Competition and Consumer Protection Commission

Bloom House
Railway Street
Dublin 1
D01 C576

Opening Hours: Lines open Monday–Friday, from 9am–6pm
Tel: (01) 402 5555
Page edited: 28 October 2022