New on Citizens Information 24-07-2023

24 Iúil 2023

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From 1 August 2023, the net household income limit to qualify for cost rental housing will increase from €53,000 per year to €66,000 if you are in Dublin and €59,000 for everywhere else in Ireland.

If your landlord is selling the property and you want to buy it, you may qualify for the Tenant Home Purchase Scheme. This is an extension of the First Home Scheme but for second-hand homes.

The Housing Adaptation Grant for people with a disability now covers fixed track hoists to help make your home more accessible. Other equipment covered by the grant includes ramps, stair lifts, grab rails, extensions and accessible bathroom facilities.

Since 18 July 2023, the maximum amount covered by the Repair and Leasing Scheme increased to €80,000 per house or apartment, including VAT. The scheme aims to bring vacant properties that need repair back into use for social housing.

The Mother and Baby Institutions Payment Scheme Act 2023 was signed on 11 July 2023, but the scheme is not yet open for applications. The Government must sign a number of commencement orders before the Act comes into effect.

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