Supplementary Welfare Schemes

  • Describes the Supplementary Welfare Allowance Scheme including the basic payment and supplements under the scheme.
  • Supplementary Welfare Allowance is a payment to people that have no income. Outlines the conditions for entitlement to basic Supplementary Welfare Allowance including the means test.

  • Community Welfare Officers (CWOs) are responsible for the day to day administration of the Supplementary Welfare Allowance Scheme. Find out about their role and responsibilities.

  • Additional weekly supplements for special diets and heating requirements are available under the Supplementary Welfare Allowance Scheme.

  • Mortgage Interest Supplement provides short-term support to help you pay your mortgage interest repayments. The Mortgage Interest Supplement scheme is closed to new entrants and no new applications will be accepted.

  • Shows you how to calculate Mortgage Interest Supplement.

  • If you are renting privately and having difficulty paying your rent, you may qualify for Rent Supplement. If you qualify for social housing support, you should apply for the Housing Assistance Payment instead.

  • Shows you the steps involved in calculating your Rent Supplement.

  • Additional Needs Payments are paid to people who have essential and exceptional needs that they cannot meet out of their weekly income. It can be paid for funeral costs and fuel bills. You must have a low income.

  • This scheme provides emergency financial assistance to households immediately after severe weather events.

  • If your circumstances change while you are getting Rent Supplement you may have your payment reduced or you may no longer be eligible for it. This document outlines what happens to your Rent Supplement payment in some common situations.

  • The Back to School Clothing and Footwear Allowance (BSCFA) is paid each year to families on certain social welfare payments and other benefits. It helps with the cost of going to school.
    This document is in: Families and children