Employment support schemes

  • Overview of the employment schemes and other supports which encourage people getting unemployment and certain other social welfare payments to take up employment.
  • The Youth Employment Support Scheme (YESS) is closed. You may be interested in the Work Placement Experience Programme (WPEP).

  • Community Employment helps people get back to work by offering part-time job placements based within local communities.

  • Tús is a community work placement scheme for unemployed people who are selected to participate by the Department of Social Protection.

  • JobsPlus is an incentive to encourage employers to employ long-term unemployed people. The incentive is paid monthly in arrears, over an 18-month period.

  • The Programme supports community businesses to provide local services to their communities and to provide employment to unemployed people.

  • The new Basic Income for the Arts pilot scheme provides a basic income payment of €325 a week to 2,000 eligible artists and creative arts workers selected at random to participate.

  • The Work Placement Experience Programme (WPEP) gives people who have never had a job or who have lost their job a chance to get work experience.

  • The Rural Social Scheme (RSS) provides income support for farmers and fishermen/women who are getting certain social welfare payments.
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