Summer education programme
- What is the Summer Programme?
- Who qualifies for the Summer Programme?
- School-based programme
- Home-based programme
- DEIS schools summer camp
- Can I get school transport during the Summer Programme?
- More information
What is the Summer Programme?
The Summer Programme gives educational support during the summer to:
- Children with complex special educational needs, and
- Children most at risk of educational disadvantage.
All primary schools, post-primary schools (including DEIS schools), and special schools can provide a Summer Programme.
The Summer Programme 2025 includes:
- A Special School Pilot programme for pupils in special schools
- A primary school scheme for pupils in mainstream primary schools, which combines the previous Inclusion Programme and special classes
- Summer camps in DEIS schools focusing on numeracy and literacy
- A post-primary scheme for pupils in post-primary schools
- A home-based programme for children with complex needs (where a school-based programme is not available)
The Summer Programme is based on the July Provision, which was delivered to children with special educational needs in previous years by the Department of Education.
Who qualifies for the Summer Programme?
The following children qualify for school-based programmes for both primary school and post-primary school:
- Children in a special school or a special class
- Children in mainstream classes in schools who are accessing the highest level of the continuum of support (pdf)
Children accessing the highest level of the continuum of support includes children with:
- Autism
- Down syndrome
- Sensory impairments, such as deafness or severe hearing loss, or blindness or severe visual impairment
- Severe or significant emotional behavioural needs, to the extent that this impacts their ability to learn or function independently
- Significant needs in cognitive functioning, independence and daily living skills (including moderate to severe, or significant or profound, learning disabilities)
- Significant needs in social communication and social interaction, combined with rigid repetitive patterns of behaviour
- Certain other disabilities
Starting primary school in 2025
If your child meets the above criteria and is entering primary school in September 2025, they also qualify for the primary school Summer Programme.
Priority places
Schools will give priority to students in special classes when giving places on the school-based programme. Schools will then give places to students with complex special needs in mainstream classes.
Remaining places
When the priority places have gone, the remaining places will be offered to children considered most at risk of educational disadvantage.
For example, the remaining places may be offered to:
- Children identified by the school as being most at risk of educational disadvantage and early school-leaving
- Children accessing Special Education Teacher (SET) or Special Needs Assistant (SNA) support
- Children from Traveller and Roma communities
- Children who have recently arrived from Ukraine and other countries who need support with English language or integration
You can find more information about who qualifies for a school-based Summer Programme under the Primary School Scheme (pdf) and Post-Primary School Scheme (pdf).
School-based programme
All primary schools and post-primary schools can provide a Summer Programme for mainstream pupils with complex needs and those at greatest risk of educational disadvantage.
The programme will take place for a set number of weeks in the child’s school during the school summer holidays.
You should contact your child’s school to find out about its Summer Programme.
Special schools
All special schools can provide a Summer Programme. The programme will take place for a set number of weeks in the child’s school during the school summer holidays.
For special schools, a Summer Programme National Coordinator works with the school to facilitate the programme.
If your child’s school can’t offer your child a place, or it is not providing a school-based Summer Programme, you can contact the Coordinator (see ‘More information’ below). They can help you find a place for your child in their own school, or at another location.
If your child cannot get a place on a school-based Summer Programme, you can apply for the home-based programme (see ‘Home-based programme’ below).
You can find more information on the special school Summer Programme, including information for parents.
School meals holiday hunger pilot project
In 2025, schools eligible for the School Meal Scheme can provide meals for children attending a Summer Programme. Schools can provide one meal per day, per child.
Schools don’t have to participate in the School Meals Scheme. You can check with your child’s school to find out if they are providing meals as part of their Summer Programme.
Home-based programme
The home-based Summer Programme is only available to children with complex special educational needs who are in a special school or special class.
You can apply for the home-based programme if:
- Your child’s school is not running a Summer Programme,
- Or it is unable to offer your child a place.
If your child qualifies for the home-based Summer Programme, they will get 10 hours support per week for 4 weeks.
Applying for the home-based Summer Programme
This page will be updated with application details for the home-based Summer Programme in 2025 when they become available.
You can apply for the home-based Summer Programme through your child’s school.
You should not start a home-based programme until the Department of Education has confirmed that your child qualifies for the home-based Summer Programme.
You can read about the home-based Summer Programme in 2024 (pdf).
DEIS schools summer camp
DEIS primary schools may run literacy and numeracy camps for children in addition to a school-based Summer Programme.
Literacy and numeracy camps are for children who are considered by the school to have the greatest level of need. The camps aim to help children at risk of educational disadvantage who are experiencing social or academic difficulties in language and numeracy.
Each camp is for 1 week and provides 4 hours of instruction each day. The camps can be run through English or Gaeilge.
Primary schools can allocate places to children of any age, including sixth class, and can choose children who would most benefit from the programme. However, children starting Junior infants in September 2025 are not eligible for these camps.
You can read information for parents about the school-based programme and DEIS summer camps in 2025 (pdf).
Can I get school transport during the Summer Programme?
If you normally use the special education needs (SEN) transport scheme, or if you normally get a Special Transport Grant, these may be provided during the Summer Programme. If you have any questions about SEN transport services, email:
If SEN transport services are not available, you can apply for grant funding after your child has completed the programme.
The School Transport Scheme will not run during the Summer Programme. If your child normally uses the School Transport Scheme, your school may make local transport arrangements. You should contact your school for more details.
More information
You should contact your child’s school to find out about its school-based Summer Programme.
You can get more information about the Summer Programme from the Department of Education on
You can also call the Summer Programme helpline from Monday to Friday between 9am and 5pm, on 0906 484292.
Or, you can email